Table of Contents
- MetadataElementContract
- The methods the object representations for Metadata element classes must implement.
- BlogPostSchema
- Front matter schema interfaces are used by various Hyde components to specify what data they provide or contain. They also serve as a convenient way to see the supported front matter properties.
- FrontMatterSchema
- Front matter schema interfaces are used by various Hyde components to specify what data they provide or contain. They also serve as a convenient way to see the supported front matter properties.
- PageSchema
- Front matter schema interfaces are used by various Hyde components to specify what data they provide or contain. They also serve as a convenient way to see the supported front matter properties.
- AuthorSchema
- Front matter schema interfaces are used by various Hyde components to specify what data they provide or contain. They also serve as a convenient way to see the supported front matter properties.
- FeaturedImageSchema
- Front matter schema interfaces are used by various Hyde components to specify what data they provide or contain. They also serve as a convenient way to see the supported front matter properties.
- NavigationSchema
- Front matter schema interfaces are used by various Hyde components to specify what data they provide or contain. They also serve as a convenient way to see the supported front matter properties.
- MarkdownDocumentContract
- MarkdownPostProcessorContract
- Process Markdown after it is converted to HTML.
- MarkdownPreProcessorContract
- Process Markdown before it is converted to HTML.
- MarkdownShortcodeContract
- SerializableContract
- Specifies that a class can be serialized to an array and/or JSON.
- BuildRssFeedCommand
- Run the build process for the RSS feed.
- BuildSearchCommand
- Run the build process for the documentation search index.
- BuildSiteCommand
- Run the static site build process.
- BuildSitemapCommand
- Run the build process for the sitemap.
- ChangeSourceDirectoryCommand
- Change the source directory for your project.
- DebugCommand
- Print debug information.
- MakePageCommand
- Scaffold a new Markdown or Blade page file.
- MakePostCommand
- Scaffold a new Markdown blog post file.
- PackageDiscoverCommand
- Extended package discovery command to use the custom manifest path.
- PublishConfigsCommand
- Publish the Hyde config files.
- PublishHomepageCommand
- Publish one of the default homepages to index.blade.php.
- PublishViewsCommand
- Publish the Hyde Blade views.
- RebuildPageCommand
- Build a single static site file.
- RouteListCommand
- Display the list of site routes.
- ServeCommand
- Start the realtime compiler server.
- ValidateCommand
- Run a series of tests to validate your setup and help you optimize your site.
- VendorPublishCommand
- Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages.
- Command
- A base class for HydeCLI command that adds some extra functionality and output helpers to reduce repeated code and to provide a consistent user interface.
- ConsoleServiceProvider
- Register the HydeCLI console commands.
- Asset
- Handles the retrieval of core asset files, either from the HydeFront CDN or from the local media folder.
- Author
- Allows you to easily add pre-defined authors for your blog posts.
- Config
- An extension of the Laravel Config facade with extra accessors that ensure the types of the returned values.
- Filesystem
- Proxies the Laravel File facade with extra features and helpers tailored for HydePHP.
- Meta
- Helpers to fluently declare HTML meta elements using their object representations.
- Site
- Facade to quickly get data for the HydePHP site and its configuration.
- Application
- BaseFoundationCollection
- Base class for the kernel auto-discovery collections.
- HydeExtension
- When creating a HydePHP extension, you should create a class that extends this one.
- ConsoleKernel
- Files
- Pages
- Routes
- Provides an easy way to access the Hyde pseudo-router.
- HydeCoreExtension
- When creating a HydePHP extension, you should create a class that extends this one.
- HydeKernel
- Encapsulates a HydePHP project, providing helpful methods for interacting with it.
- FileCollection
- The FileCollection contains all the discovered source files.
- Filesystem
- File helper methods, bound to the HydeKernel instance, and is an integral part of the framework.
- Hyperlinks
- Contains helpers and logic for resolving web paths for compiled files.
- PageCollection
- The PageCollection contains all the instantiated pages.
- RouteCollection
- The RouteCollection contains all the page routes, making it the pseudo-router for Hyde, as it maps each page to the eventual URL that will be used to access it once built.
- ConfigurationServiceProvider
- ViewServiceProvider
- Register the Hyde view components.
- AnonymousViewCompiler
- Compile any Blade file using the Blade facade as it allows us to render it without having to register the directory with the view finder.
- BladeMatterParser
- ConvertsArrayToFrontMatter
- Convert an array into YAML Front Matter.
- ConvertsMarkdownToPlainText
- Converts Markdown to plain text.
- CreatesNewMarkdownPostFile
- Offloads logic for the make:post command.
- CreatesNewPageSourceFile
- Scaffold a new Markdown, Blade, or documentation page.
- GeneratesTableOfContents
- Generates a table of contents for the Markdown document, most commonly used for the sidebar.
- FileFinder
- MarkdownFileParser
- Prepares a Markdown file for further usage by extracting the Front Matter and Markdown body, and creating MarkdownDocument object from them.
- GenerateBuildManifest
- The build manifest contains a list of all pages and their source and output paths.
- GenerateRssFeed
- GenerateSearch
- GenerateSitemap
- CleanSiteDirectory
- SourceFileParser
- Parses a source file and returns a new page model instance for it.
- StaticPageBuilder
- Converts a Hyde page object into a static HTML page.
- BaseUrlNotSetException
- BuildWarning
- FileConflictException
- FileNotFoundException
- RouteNotFoundException
- UnsupportedPageTypeException
- BlogPostDataFactory
- Streamlines the data construction specific to a blog post.
- CoreDataObject
- Data class to contain the core data for a page being constructed.
- PageDataFactory
- Streamlines the data dynamic construction specific to a HydePHP page.
- FeaturedImageFactory
- Streamlines the data dynamic construction specific to a HydePHP page.
- HydePageDataFactory
- Streamlines the data dynamic construction specific to a HydePHP page.
- NavigationDataFactory
- Discover data used for navigation menus and the documentation sidebar.
- FeaturedImage
- Object representation of a blog post's featured image.
- PostAuthor
- Object representation of a post author for the site.
- BuildTask
- BuildTaskSkippedException
- PostBuildTask
- PreBuildTask
- SemanticDocumentationArticle
- Class to make Hyde documentation pages smarter by dynamically enriching them with semantic HTML.
- LinkElement
- MetadataElement
- OpenGraphElement
- GlobalMetadataBag
- Holds the metadata tags for a page or the site model.
- MetadataBag
- Holds the metadata tags for a page or the site model.
- PageMetadataBag
- Holds the metadata tags for a page or the site model.
- BaseNavigationMenu
- DocumentationSidebar
- DropdownNavItem
- A navigation item that contains other navigation items.
- NavigationData
- Object implementation for the NavigationSchema. It extends the ArrayObject class so that its data can be accessed using dot notation in the page's front matter data.
- NavigationMenu
- NavItem
- Abstraction for a navigation menu item. Used by the NavigationMenu and DocumentationSidebar classes.
- BaseXmlGenerator
- Defines the public API for XML generators and provides a shared codebase for common helpers.
- RssFeedGenerator
- Defines the public API for XML generators and provides a shared codebase for common helpers.
- SitemapGenerator
- Defines the public API for XML generators and provides a shared codebase for common helpers.
- HydeServiceProvider
- Register and bootstrap core Hyde application services.
- AssetService
- Handles the retrieval of core asset files. Commonly used through the Asset facade.
- BuildService
- Moves logic from the build command to a service.
- BuildTaskService
- This service manages the build tasks that are called before and after the site is compiled using the build command.
- MarkdownService
- Dynamically creates a Markdown converter tailored for the target model and setup, then converts the Markdown to HTML using both pre- and post-processors.
- ValidationService
- BreadcrumbsComponent
- LinkComponent
- Hyde
- General facade for Hyde services.
- MarkdownConverter
- The base Markdown converter class.
- FrontMatter
- Object representing the YAML front matter of a Markdown file.
- Markdown
- A simple object representation of a Markdown file, with helpful methods to interact with it.
- MarkdownDocument
- A MarkdownDocument is a simpler alternative to a MarkdownPage.
- BladeDownProcessor
- Markdown Processor to render Laravel Blade within Markdown files.
- CodeblockFilepathProcessor
- Resolves file path comments found in Markdown code blocks into a neat badge shown in the top right corner.
- ShortcodeProcessor
- Handle all shortcode processing for a Markdown conversion.
- BladePage
- Page class for Blade pages.
- BaseMarkdownPage
- The base class for all Markdown-based page models.
- HydePage
- The base class for all Hyde pages.
- DocumentationPage
- Page class for documentation pages.
- HtmlPage
- Page class for HTML pages.
- InMemoryPage
- Extendable class for in-memory (or virtual) Hyde pages that are not based on any source files.
- MarkdownPage
- Page class for Markdown pages.
- MarkdownPost
- Page class for Markdown posts.
- BuildWarnings
- DataCollections
- Automatically generates Laravel Collections from static data files, such as Markdown components and YAML files using Hyde Autodiscovery.
- Render
- Manages data for the current page being rendered/compiled.
- MediaFile
- File abstraction for a project media file.
- ProjectFile
- Filesystem abstraction for a file stored in the project.
- SourceFile
- File abstraction for a project source file.
- Includes
- The Includes facade provides a simple way to access partials in the includes directory.
- DateString
- Parse a date string and create normalized formats.
- Redirect
- A basic redirect page. Is not discoverable by Hyde, instead you manually need to create the pages.
- RenderData
- Contains data for the current page being rendered/compiled.
- Route
- The Route class bridges the gaps between Hyde pages and their respective compiled static webpages by providing helper methods and information allowing you to easily access and interact with the various paths associated with a page, both source and compiled file paths as well as the URL.
- RouteKey
- Route keys provide the core bindings of the HydePHP routing system as they are what canonically identifies a page.
- ValidationResult
- Paginator
- ReadingTime
- Calculate the estimated reading time for a text.
- AsksToRebuildSite
- InteractsWithDirectories
- InteractsWithFrontMatter
- Adds methods to a class to allow it to fluently interact with its front matter.
- ForwardsIlluminateFilesystem
- Forwards calls to the Laravel File facade to the HydePHP Filesystem Facade, while turning all paths arguments into absolute project paths.
- RegistersFileLocations
- This trait registers the file paths for important Hyde locations.
- TracksExecutionTime
- ValidatesExistence
- Validate the existence of a Page class's source file.
- HasFactory
- Serializable
- Automatically serializes an Arrayable implementation when JSON is requested.
- Feature
- A configurable feature that belongs to the Features class.
- hyde() : HydeKernel
- Get the available HydeKernel instance.
- unslash() : string
- Remove trailing slashes from the start and end of a string.
- asset() : string
- Get a relative link or URL to an asset in the media directory.
- route() : Route|null
- Get a page route instance by its key. Casting it to a string will return a relative link to the page.
- url() : string
- Get a qualified URL to the supplied path if a base URL is set.
- hyde() : HydeKernel
- Get the available HydeKernel instance.
- unslash() : string
- Remove trailing slashes from the start and end of a string.
- unixsum() : string
- A EOL agnostic wrapper for calculating MD5 checksums.
- unixsum_file() : string
- Shorthand for {@see unixsum()} but loads a file.
- make_title() : string
- normalize_newlines() : string
- strip_newlines() : string
- trim_slashes() : string
- evaluate_arrayable() : array<string|int, mixed>
- yaml_encode() : string
- yaml_decode() : mixed
- path_join() : string
- normalize_slashes() : string
Get the available HydeKernel instance.
hyde() : HydeKernel
Return values
Remove trailing slashes from the start and end of a string.
This function will be replaced by unslash() in v2.0
unslash(string $string) : string
- $string : string
Return values
Get a relative link or URL to an asset in the media directory.
asset(string $name[, bool $preferQualifiedUrl = false ]) : string
- $name : string
- $preferQualifiedUrl : bool = false
Return values
Get a page route instance by its key. Casting it to a string will return a relative link to the page.
route(string $key) : Route|null
- $key : string
Return values
Get a qualified URL to the supplied path if a base URL is set.
url([string $path = '' ]) : string
- $path : string = ''
Return values
Get the available HydeKernel instance.
hyde() : HydeKernel
Return values
Remove trailing slashes from the start and end of a string.
unslash(string $string) : string
- $string : string
Return values
A EOL agnostic wrapper for calculating MD5 checksums.
unixsum(string $string) : string
This function is not cryptographically secure.
- $string : string
Return values
Shorthand for {@see unixsum()} but loads a file.
unixsum_file(string $file) : string
- $file : string
Return values
make_title(string $value) : string
- $value : string
Return values
normalize_newlines(string $string) : string
- $string : string
Return values
strip_newlines(string $string) : string
- $string : string
Return values
trim_slashes(string $string) : string
- $string : string
Return values
evaluate_arrayable(array<string|int, mixed>|Arrayable $array) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>|Arrayable
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>yaml_encode()
yaml_encode(mixed $input[, int $inline = 2 ][, int $indent = 4 ][, int $flags = 0 ]) : string
- $input : mixed
- $inline : int = 2
- $indent : int = 4
- $flags : int = 0
Return values
yaml_decode(string $input[, int $flags = 0 ]) : mixed
- $input : string
- $flags : int = 0
path_join(string $directory, string ...$paths) : string
- $directory : string
- $paths : string
Return values
normalize_slashes(string $string) : string
- $string : string